Christmas news and FREE class


Christmas Party Friday 18th December 7pm

This year we will be having a 🎄Zoom Xmas Party🎈grab a drink and dust off your Christmas jumper, have a party piece up your sleeve? 💫My son Archie has been practising Christmas tunes on the trumpet 🎺and he is very keen to play for you! Ian will be singing a song and playing guitar .... and we are hoping to organise some singalong carols!
The zoom link will be the same as always 

FREE Pilates Mat CLASS Sunday 20th Dec 11am

Our present to you!

I would just like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has been so loyal throughout this difficult time. As a small business owner, the financial support from the government has been very minimal and without your support, signing up for the zoom classes I would have had to close the studio. However I want to end the year on a high, remain positive and optimistic for what 2021 will bring us. I’d like to give you all a free mat class on zoom, please invite friends and family members to join in!

I would love to send you a link to a free recorded Pilates class and a mindful movement class over the Christmas period

With enormous gratitude & kindly warm wishes 🙏❤️
for this different kind of festive season💫




The government guidelines for T3 is not to allow group exercise classes to restart. Well some gyms or studios have decided to interpret this information differently, but I feel that it is my responsibility to put you and our team’s safety first. Because of this I have decided not to restart the reformer classes or gyms until January.

I’m really sorry if this is disappointing for some of you. I too am deeply disappointed. But we have to look for the good, and we can still do our online classes & go for more walks outside! However the good news is there will be face to face 121s starting next week!

The online classes will continue indefinitely into next year but there will be a break over the Christmas and New Year period. I have worked continually throughout lockdown & will take a short break but back on 4th January.

Keep an eye out for our newsletters as there will be some exciting new developments for January, to get us starting the new year in a positive upbeat way  🌈❤️

One to ones & Hendrickson Massage

So the good news is there will be some more availability for 121s & Hendrickson treatments so if you would like to get your equipment fix in before Christmas  .... please book in ... check the online availability through Mind body online  ,,, and why not give the ones you love 121 vouchers or class blocks for Xmas? This is a double gift... it is support for the recipient and it is supporting our local business! Thank you!


Kath's Christmas musing's


Do not try to save
the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
Instead, create
a clearing in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song that is your life
falls into your own cupped hands and you
recognise and greet it.
Only then will you know how to give yourself
to this world
so worth of rescue

Martha Postlethwaite
Well what a year it has been?

Ha ... that’s an understatement if there ever was one!

As we draw to the close of this year and look forward to fresh new chapter full of hope, we can  pause for reflection -how did we use our lockdown time? How will you remember 2020? The year of disruption, Covid chaos & lockdowns or perhaps it was the year you got to slow down, get off the hamster wheel, let go of old habits & learn some new ones, maybe you did a bit more exercise or practiced self care.

This year has been particularly challenging for us to find any good in the world, but it is there waiting for us to notice it and let it in. Rick Hanson the neuroscientist talks of this negativity bias, a very old nervous system response that keeps us safe in times of extreme danger. If you'd like to read more here's a link to a simple practice:

This old-fashioned outmoded part of our nervous systems, is triggered every time we feel threatened, or under pressure. We interpret events as a threat to our survival. Even seemingly small things like;  someone who doesn’t thank us when we’ve put ourselves out, hitting all the red lights when we’re in a rush, something or someone who has hurt our feelings, our body is still triggered in the same way as when we are about to be some wild beasts lunch.

Covid has brought us back into that survival mode, but there are ways to reduce this. For example, I’m not watching the news so often, limiting the negative information coming in, searching for the good in situations - those silver linings, and when something lovely happens, really taking the time to feel it & let it in!

Science tells us that we can increase our natural resilience and optimism by regularly & consciously, feeling the warm happy sensations when something pleasant happens to us.

One thing I have learnt this year is to do just that, to remember to look for and feel the good things that are all around us. It’s easier to start this practice, by being mindful of the small things. For example, to be grateful for:
a warm cup of tea on a chilly morning
a soft cosy jumper
Loo paper
Chocolate ☺️
I've come to really appreciate slower starts in the morning and not rushing, I’ve sat down more (this is a big challenge for me as those who know me well will know!!!) I even made my own Xmas cards for the first time in about 20 years!!
So make sure this Christmas whatever happens, accepting it will be a very different one (with all sorts of emotions) please take moments to recognise & bathe in the wonderful small things,  to keep feeding that new habit our positivity bias.

With much love and kindness
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