New Online Class Memberships
As we move into a new phase of Headingley Pilates, the online classes will now follow a membership structure rather than blocks. This will make life simpler and cheaper for you and help support you to maintain a regular practice.
You can still book for individual classes at the drop-in rate if you prefer, but these membership will replace the old blocks structure. There will be Oov classes, Embodied Somatic Movement classes and Reformer classes for those with access to a Reformer. You can attend the same class each week or swap to a different class each week. NB: You CAN continue to use your existing blocks until they run out!
There are different levels of membership depending how often you wish to attend each week and if you want access to the Video Library.
All memberships are based on 38 weeks per year of live classes, recordings will be timed to play at your usual class time in most of the other weeks to ensure continuity.
Monthly payments:
- Video Library only £19.95 pcm Buy now
- 1 live class per week (includes recording for a week) £29.95 pcm (saving £10pcm) Buy now
- 2 live classes per week (includes recordings for a week) £49.95 pcm (saving £30pcm) Buy now
- Unlimited Access to all 4 weekly classes & Video Library 24/7 (automatic booking for all classes and recordings sent) £69.95 pcm Buy now
Annual payments
Want to reduce your costs even further … buy 12 months for the price of 10 by buying upfront!
- Video Library only £199.50 pa Buy now
- 1 class per week £299.50 pa Buy now
- 2 classes per week £499.50 pa Buy now
- Unlimited Access to all classes and Video Library £699.50 pa Buy now
Do you have any questions….
You can sign up to these memberships anytime, they only become active when you sign up for first class. Remaining blocks can be used first.