Pain-Free Living workshop: early bird price
We are delighted to be bringing this workshop to the Studio in the New Year on 19th January 10-5pm. Book by 19th December and get a special Early Bird price of £80. Phone or email the Studio before the 19th Dec to get this special price.
If you live with chronic pain, or know someone who does, this Living Pain Free workshop is designed for you.
Based on the self-help book Living Pain Free: Healing Chronic Pain with Myofascial Release this informative 1-day small-group workshop is open to all.
Discover the common causes for chronic pain and why standard medical approaches don’t work. Learn practical self-help techniques for helping yourself out of pain. Living Pain Free is an informative and relaxing introduction to the myofascial body, the causes of chronic pain, and simple yet effective self-help techniques.
• Learn about how your body really works
• Explore the connections between fascia and chronic pain
• Practise simple self-help techniques, fascial stretching, and relaxation exercises.
Workshop Q and As
What is fascia?
Fascia is the main connective tissue in the body and as such it wraps around and
through all other structures including muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves and organs.
It creates a three-dimensional web throughout the body, connecting everything to
everything else.
How is fascia involved in chronic pain?
When fascia is working normally it is very fluid and moves freely as we move. However
when restrictions develop these can cause pain and other symptoms either local to the
restriction or elsewhere in the body (referred pain).
What causes fascial restrictions?
Fascial restrictions can be caused by accidents and injuries, scar tissue and surgery,
over- and underuse, posture, stress or, for most of us, some combination of these.
What sort of chronic pain conditions can be caused by fascial restrictions?
Typical conditions include headaches & migraines, TMJ and jaw pain, repetitive strain
injury (RSI), shoulder impingements, back pain, chronic pelvic pain, knee pain, plantar
fasciitis, and systemic conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
Many of these conditions are hard to treat medically as the fascial restrictions that
cause them don’t show up on diagnostic tools such as x-rays and scans.
What is myofascial release?
Myo – muscle
Fascia – connective tissue
Release – let go
Most of the soft tissues in the body are a combination of muscle and fascia, hence the
name of the therapy. Myofascial release is both a gentle hands-on therapy that works
deeply into the body, and an effective self-help technique, to help release the fascial
restrictions that are causing your pain.
Sounds interesting, why should I come on this workshop?
Our Living Pain Free workshop is a relaxed and informal day which is a must for anyone
interested in the myofascial body, the causes of chronic pain, and exploring simple yet
effective self-help stretches and exercises.
The workshop is run by Amanda Oswald, a leading UK myofascial release specialist who is based in Leeds. For more information about Amanda visit her website
Don’t just take our word for it – here’s what people have to say about the workshop:
“Very informative and presented by someone who knows and has experienced what
they’re teaching.”
“Excellent – just the right amount of information and well balanced with activities.”
“Amanda’s knowledge and passion on the subject is clear and quite contagious.”