Retreat early bird reminder


Early bird price ending soon
West Coast Retreat

Are you still wondering whether this is for you… The real question you need to ask yourself is “do I want to feel nurtured, rebalanced, revived and rested?”
If the answer is yes to all of those … read on ..

After a short spell in the magical wilds of the West Coast of Scotland you will:

❤️Reconnect with nature
❤️Reinvigorate your soul
❤️Boost your energy
❤️And get your Mojo back with bells & whistles🤸🏼‍♂️🤸🏼‍♂️

We will be eating delicious healthy food,
breathing sweet, fresh toxin-free air,
soothing our nervous systems on huge skies & wide open seas,
reconnecting & moving our bodies..releasing,
unwinding re-strengthening,
calming our minds,
fortifying our spirits,
and for the bravehearts…
boosting our immune systems in the crystal clear waters of the Gulfstream! 

Experience heart swelling sunsets & sunrises, dark dark skies for optimum twinkly stars & shimmering moon gazing! 

Check out from all the chaos in the world right now & give yourself unforgettable embodied memories with this gift of care & let us nurture you. 

If you are on the fence & have ANY questions or would love to come but are concerned about the financial commitment. Please do get in touch. Let’s find a way and make this happen together! 

All my warmest wishes & happy thoughts 
Dare to dream BIG

❤️Kath x
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