Retreat links


Links to Book Retreat Day
Sunday 16th July 10-4pm 
am/pm Workshops


Dearest friends

Another quick reminder about, my upcoming trip to Leeds. It will be absolutely brilliant to see you all & catch up in person. 🥰


One to ones, private studio session & Hendrickson Treatments 

There are still a few one-to-one slots available on Thursday, the 6th of July and Thursday 13th. Do message me directly about availability. 


Sunday 16th July Retreat/Day of Workshops .. 

In the morning 10-1pm £60 come & retreat into the inner world of your fabulous body … first off we will gently coax, elastically stretch, release, breathe & rebalance ourselves. 

We will then look to improve how we move though the world with our:

Happy Feet workshop … drawing on the Franklin Method & other new techniques, we will explore ways to improve our contact with the ground  & the spiral action of our feet during the gait cycle. 


Oov workshop 

A 2 hour Oov workshop 2-4pm £45 to revive your Oov practice. 

To those that attend the online sessions:

  • come along and check your technique 
  • learn some new stuff 
  • see old friends
  • come at 1pm for lunch
  • have fun! 


To those of you that have an Oov somewhere in the cupboard or spare room? Yes I’m talking to you  … 

  • Come along …. get your Mojo back… dust off the cobwebs & get back on your Oov 
  • Remind yourself of all the fabulous reasons, why you loved that Oov in the first place

All day 10-4pm only £95

A delicious healthy lunch will be provided for all  ☺️ 

I can't wait to teach you all in person, live & face to face. I am so thrilled to see you soon
All my best wishes
♥️ Kath

Book for All Day retreat
Book Now morning
Book Oov afternoon
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